Friday, July 15, 2011

Get To Know You

is having a linky party with ideas for team building and 'get to know you' activities and I LOVE it!

In the beginning of this last year, I had my kids create a 'Me Bag,' which I enjoyed because some students would bring little things in that made them feel special; however, I also had those students that would just draw pictures and then shove them in the bag to get it over with.

Upon seeing her idea with the memory trays, I fell in love and I will most definitely be doing that with my students this upcoming year! What an awesome idea!!

Check it out and link up!


  1. Thanks for joining my Linky party.
    I emailed you my freebie!

    Yearn to Learn Blog

  2. Thank you so much! I am so excited to utilize this idea in my classroom! I'm sure my first graders will LOVE it!
